When you use our Platform "Jetmart India" via mobile and online apps, this privacy statement explains howJetmart India collects, uses, and discloses your "User Information."We, at Jetmart India (" Company"), do not share or sell your data or "user Informations" with anybody until

we tell you. We gather and utilizeinformation about you as part of our aim to make e-commerce

better for everyone.

The foundation of the platform is trust, which includes trusting us to manage your data. This value should help you understand how we handle your data and privacy.

What Data We Collect - You must provide some information, such as your name, address, phone number, and email address, while creating an account or using our services (collectively, "User Informations").

After you've given us your personal information, you're no longer anonymous to us. We may keep track of your purchase history, interests, and other information you submit on our Platform.

Your Information Belongs To You - We think about what sort of information we need to

execute our services and try to collect just what we need. We delete or anonymize thisinformation as much aspossible when we no longer require it. Our guiding principle

in all of this work is that your data is yours, and we only wish to use it to your benefit.

How Do We Use The Information - We use your personal information to assist users and business partners with improving customer experience, assessing customer interest in our products and services, resolving complaints, and fixing problems, informing you about products, offers, services, and updates; customizing and enhancing your experience; fraud, detecting

 and protecting us against error, and other criminal activity; until specified at the time of data collection, we will abide by our terms and conditions.

Protect Your Information From Others -

Jetmart India may use your personal information ("User Informations") about your search/visit on this platform, the website you visit, and information obtained through digital tools, cookies,

and other means with its affiliates or third partiesin order to serve ads about goods and services based on your interests on this platform and other websites. To access the services on this online platform, you agree to provide your "user Information" prior to completing the registration procedure.

Security Precautions - We use our security measures to keep your information safe from unauthorized access once we obtain it. Users recognize and acknowledge the probable security risk of transmitting information over the internet and the World Wide Web, which cannot be assured to be safe, and as a result, certain essential risks related with Platform usage will exist. The user is responsible for the security of the account’s login and password records.

Cookies Policy - We use data gathering technologies such as "cookies" on select Platform sites to help us analyze our web page flow, evaluate promotional efficacy, and encourage trust and safety. Cookies do not save any data about you that might be used to identify you. We use cookies to make entering your password during a session easier. Cookies can help us deliver information that is customized to your choices.

How We Disclose Your Information -

Your personal information may be obtained by third parties such as suppliers and business partners. This information may be necessary for us to provide you withaccess to our products and services,to fulfil your orders, to improve your experience, to provide product feedback,

to collect payments from you, to comply with our legal obligations and to conduct market research or surveys.

Processing Your Personal Information To Prevent Fraud - We only process personal information for "legitimate interests" after considering the evidenceto your privacy—by providing clear transparency into our privacy practices, giving you control over your personal information where appropriate, limiting the information we keep, limiting what we do with your information,limiting who we send your information to, and limiting what we do with your information, who we communicate it to, and how long we store it.

Changes In The Privacy Policy - Please check our Privacy Policy for any changes on a frequent basis. This Privacy Policy may be modified when our privacy policies change. Important changes will be communicated to you by posting the date our policy was last amended, showing a notice on our Platform, or sending you an email, as required by

relevant legislation.

Your Consent - By visiting our Platform or providing your information, you consent to the collection, use, storage, disclosure, and other processing of your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Queries - If you have a question, problem, concern, or complaint regarding the collection or use of your personal information underthis Privacy Policy, please contact us using the

information given on our website.